


  1. 在 GitHub.com 上,导航到存储库的主页。

  2. 在您的存储库名称下,单击 问题 拉取请求.

    Screenshot of the main page of a repository. In the horizontal navigation bar, two tabs, labeled "Issues" and "Pull requests," are each outlined in dark orange.

  3. 在搜索字段旁边,单击 里程碑

    Screenshot of the list of issues for a repository. Above the list, a button, labeled with a signpost icon and "Milestones," is outlined in dark orange.

  4. 选择以下选项之一

    • 要创建新的里程碑,请单击 新建里程碑

    • 要编辑里程碑,请在要编辑的里程碑旁边单击 编辑

      Screenshot of the list of milestones. Within the entry for the "beta release" milestone, a link, labeled "Edit," is outlined in dark orange.

  5. 输入里程碑的标题、描述或其他更改,然后单击 创建里程碑保存更改。里程碑将呈现 Markdown 语法。有关 Markdown 语法的更多信息,请参阅 "基本写作和格式语法。"。



  1. 在 GitHub.com 上,导航到存储库的主页。

  2. 在您的存储库名称下,单击 问题 拉取请求.

    Screenshot of the main page of a repository. In the horizontal navigation bar, two tabs, labeled "Issues" and "Pull requests," are each outlined in dark orange.

  3. 在搜索字段旁边,单击 里程碑

    Screenshot of the list of issues for a repository. Above the list, a button, labeled with a signpost icon and "Milestones," is outlined in dark orange.

  4. 在要删除的里程碑旁边,单击 删除

Screenshot of the list of milestones for a repository. Within the entry for the "beta release" milestone, a red "Delete" link is outlined in dark orange.