- 添加、删除或更新了哪些依赖项,以及发行日期。
- 有多少项目使用这些组件。
- 这些依赖项的漏洞数据。
所有产品中的所有公共仓库都提供依赖项审查,并且无法禁用。使用 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 并拥有 GitHub 高级安全 许可证的组织拥有的私有仓库中也提供依赖项审查。更多信息,请参阅 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 文档。
依赖项审查操作会扫描您的拉取请求中的依赖项更改,如果任何新依赖项具有已知漏洞,则会引发错误。该操作由一个 API 端点支持,该端点比较两个修订版之间的依赖项并报告任何差异。
有关操作和 API 端点的更多信息,请参阅 dependency-review-action
文档和“依赖项审查的 REST API 端点”。
以下是常用配置选项的列表。有关更多信息以及完整的选项列表,请参阅 GitHub Marketplace 上的 依赖项审查。
选项 | 必需 | 用法 |
fail-on-severity | 定义严重性级别 (low 、moderate 、high 、critical ) 的阈值。该操作将对引入指定严重性级别或更高严重性级别漏洞的任何拉取请求失败。 | |
allow-licenses | 包含允许的许可证列表。您可以在 API 文档的 许可证 页面中找到此参数的可能值。 该操作将对引入与列表不匹配的许可证的依赖项的拉取请求失败。 | |
deny-licenses | 包含禁止的许可证列表。您可以在 API 文档的 许可证 页面中找到此参数的可能值。 该操作将对引入与列表匹配的许可证的依赖项的拉取请求失败。 | |
fail-on-scopes | 包含表示您要支持的构建环境 (development 、runtime 、unknown ) 的字符串列表。该操作将对在与列表匹配的范围内引入漏洞的拉取请求失败。 | |
comment-summary-in-pr | 启用或禁用将审查摘要作为注释报告到拉取请求中。如果启用,则必须向工作流程或作业授予 pull-requests: write 权限。 | |
allow-ghsas | 包含在检测期间可以跳过的 GitHub 安全建议数据库 ID 列表。您可以在 GitHub 安全建议数据库 中找到此参数的可能值。 | |
config-file | 指定配置文件的路径。配置文件可以位于仓库本地,也可以位于外部仓库中。 | |
external-repo-token | 指定用于获取配置文件的令牌,如果该文件位于私有外部仓库中。该令牌必须具有对仓库的读取访问权限。 |
和 deny-licenses
- 在工作流程文件中内联配置选项。
- 在工作流程文件中引用配置文件。
请注意,所有示例都使用操作的简短版本号 (v3
将新的 YAML 工作流程添加到您的
文件夹中。YAML name: 'Dependency Review' on: [pull_request] permissions: contents: read jobs: dependency-review: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: 'Checkout Repository' uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Dependency Review uses: actions/dependency-review-action@v4
name: 'Dependency Review' on: [pull_request] permissions: contents: read jobs: dependency-review: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: 'Checkout Repository' uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Dependency Review uses: actions/dependency-review-action@v4
YAML name: 'Dependency Review' on: [pull_request] permissions: contents: read jobs: dependency-review: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: 'Checkout Repository' uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Dependency Review uses: actions/dependency-review-action@v4 with: # Possible values: "critical", "high", "moderate", "low" fail-on-severity: critical # You can only include one of these two options: `allow-licenses` and `deny-licenses` # ([String]). Only allow these licenses (optional) # Possible values: Any SPDX-compliant license identifiers or expressions from https://spdx.org/licenses/ allow-licenses: GPL-3.0, BSD-3-Clause, MIT # ([String]). Block the pull request on these licenses (optional) # Possible values: Any SPDX-compliant license identifiers or expressions from https://spdx.org/licenses/ deny-licenses: LGPL-2.0, BSD-2-Clause # ([String]). Skip these GitHub Advisory Database IDs during detection (optional) # Possible values: Any valid GitHub Advisory Database ID from https://github.com/advisories allow-ghsas: GHSA-abcd-1234-5679, GHSA-efgh-1234-5679 # ([String]). Block pull requests that introduce vulnerabilities in the scopes that match this list (optional) # Possible values: "development", "runtime", "unknown" fail-on-scopes: development, runtime
name: 'Dependency Review' on: [pull_request] permissions: contents: read jobs: dependency-review: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: 'Checkout Repository' uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Dependency Review uses: actions/dependency-review-action@v4 with: # Possible values: "critical", "high", "moderate", "low" fail-on-severity: critical # You can only include one of these two options: `allow-licenses` and `deny-licenses` # ([String]). Only allow these licenses (optional) # Possible values: Any SPDX-compliant license identifiers or expressions from https://spdx.org/licenses/ allow-licenses: GPL-3.0, BSD-3-Clause, MIT # ([String]). Block the pull request on these licenses (optional) # Possible values: Any SPDX-compliant license identifiers or expressions from https://spdx.org/licenses/ deny-licenses: LGPL-2.0, BSD-2-Clause # ([String]). Skip these GitHub Advisory Database IDs during detection (optional) # Possible values: Any valid GitHub Advisory Database ID from https://github.com/advisories allow-ghsas: GHSA-abcd-1234-5679, GHSA-efgh-1234-5679 # ([String]). Block pull requests that introduce vulnerabilities in the scopes that match this list (optional) # Possible values: "development", "runtime", "unknown" fail-on-scopes: development, runtime
将新的 YAML 工作流程添加到您的
指定您正在使用配置文件。YAML name: 'Dependency Review' on: [pull_request] permissions: contents: read jobs: dependency-review: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: 'Checkout Repository' uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Dependency Review uses: actions/dependency-review-action@v4 with: # ([String]). Representing a path to a configuration file local to the repository or in an external repository. # Possible values: An absolute path to a local file or an external file. config-file: './.github/dependency-review-config.yml' # Optional alternative syntax for an external file: OWNER/REPOSITORY/FILENAME@BRANCH (uncomment if preferred) # config-file: 'github/octorepo/dependency-review-config.yml@main' # ([Token]) Use if your configuration file resides in a private external repository. # Possible values: Any GitHub token with read access to the private external repository. external-repo-token: 'ghp_123456789abcde'
name: 'Dependency Review' on: [pull_request] permissions: contents: read jobs: dependency-review: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: 'Checkout Repository' uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Dependency Review uses: actions/dependency-review-action@v4 with: # ([String]). Representing a path to a configuration file local to the repository or in an external repository. # Possible values: An absolute path to a local file or an external file. config-file: './.github/dependency-review-config.yml' # Optional alternative syntax for an external file: OWNER/REPOSITORY/FILENAME@BRANCH (uncomment if preferred) # config-file: 'github/octorepo/dependency-review-config.yml@main' # ([Token]) Use if your configuration file resides in a private external repository. # Possible values: Any GitHub token with read access to the private external repository. external-repo-token: 'ghp_123456789abcde'
此 YAML 示例文件说明了如何使用可用的配置选项。
YAML # Possible values: "critical", "high", "moderate", "low" fail-on-severity: critical # You can only include one of these two options: `allow-licenses` and `deny-licenses` # ([String]). Only allow these licenses (optional) # Possible values: Any SPDX-compliant license identifiers or expressions from https://spdx.org/licenses/ allow-licenses: - GPL-3.0 - BSD-3-Clause - MIT # ([String]). Block the pull request on these licenses (optional) # Possible values: Any SPDX-compliant license identifiers or expressions from https://spdx.org/licenses/ deny-licenses: - LGPL-2.0 - BSD-2-Clause # ([String]). Skip these GitHub Advisory Database IDs during detection (optional) # Possible values: Any valid GitHub Advisory Database ID from https://github.com/advisories allow-ghsas: - GHSA-abcd-1234-5679 - GHSA-efgh-1234-5679 # ([String]). Block pull requests that introduce vulnerabilities in the scopes that match this list (optional) # Possible values: "development", "runtime", "unknown" fail-on-scopes: - development - runtime
# Possible values: "critical", "high", "moderate", "low" fail-on-severity: critical # You can only include one of these two options: `allow-licenses` and `deny-licenses` # ([String]). Only allow these licenses (optional) # Possible values: Any SPDX-compliant license identifiers or expressions from https://spdx.org/licenses/ allow-licenses: - GPL-3.0 - BSD-3-Clause - MIT # ([String]). Block the pull request on these licenses (optional) # Possible values: Any SPDX-compliant license identifiers or expressions from https://spdx.org/licenses/ deny-licenses: - LGPL-2.0 - BSD-2-Clause # ([String]). Skip these GitHub Advisory Database IDs during detection (optional) # Possible values: Any valid GitHub Advisory Database ID from https://github.com/advisories allow-ghsas: - GHSA-abcd-1234-5679 - GHSA-efgh-1234-5679 # ([String]). Block pull requests that introduce vulnerabilities in the scopes that match this list (optional) # Possible values: "development", "runtime", "unknown" fail-on-scopes: - development - runtime
有关配置选项的更多详细信息,请参阅 dependency-review-action