



只有组织所有者才能删除父团队。 有关更多信息,请参阅“关于团队”。

  1. 在 GitHub 的右上角,选择您的个人资料照片,然后单击 您的组织.

  2. 单击您的组织名称。

  3. 在您的组织名称下方,单击 团队.

    Screenshot of the horizontal navigation bar for an organization. A tab, labeled with the people icon and "Teams," is outlined in dark orange.

  4. 选择您想要删除的团队。

    Screenshot of the first two teams in the list of teams. To the left of each team, a checkbox is checked and outlined in dark orange.

  5. 在团队列表上方,选择**已选择 X 个团队**下拉菜单,然后单击**删除**。

    Screenshot of the "Teams" page. Above the list of teams, a dropdown menu, labeled "2 teams selected", is outlined in dark orange.

  6. 查看将要删除的团队,然后单击**我已了解,删除团队**。